Saturday, May 9, 2009

Praying For A Miracle


For those of you who don't know, Bekah Holcombe was in a serious car accident on Friday afternoon around 2:45 p.m. She lost control of her vehicle and hit a tree. We don't know all the details about the accident, but we do know the blow was to the drivers side and she was critically injured. Her nephew Christian was a passenger and he is perfectly fine and was spared! Thank you God! It was a miracle.

They sent her via life flight to a trauma hospital in Atlanta. She was unconscious. They incubated her and highly sedated her immediately to be able to assess the extent of her injuries.

After many tests (catscans, mris) They discovered that she broke several external bones in her neck, broke her jaw on both sides, broke her collar bone and shattered the large bone in her arm. She has a major laceration (hole) in her shoulder and one collapsed lung.

All of the cuts and breaks are of least priority at this point. The major concern right now is the swelling and fluid in her brain. They surgically inserted a probe into her skull (brain) Friday night to monitor the intercranial pressure. ICP (pressure in the brain). As of last night, it was an 8 - 10. They really worry when the number reaches 20.

She had a pretty rough night. They tried to work on re-inflating her lung last night, but to do that, they had to bring her out of her sedative state a little. That did not go well. She began convulsing and her stats went crazy. Her blood pressure sky rocketed BP over 215! They tried this twice and failed both times.

She began running a moderately high fever (102.5) during the night and her ICP rose to over 30 (very dangerous) , so they upped her pain meds and let her rest after that. This morning, her temp. was down to 101.2 and her ICP was down to 25 (still fairly high).

This morning, they also discovered that she has a blown pupil. This is also indicative of pressure in the brain (possible brain damage). They diagnosed her with a condition called DAI (diffuse axonal injury). We don't know much at this point about how much, if any brain damage has occured, but they definitely have her stats stable at this point. She is still on a respirator and they are giving her body a chance to shut down and rest. Every minute is crucial and we will not know for sure what if any damage has been done for days, maybe weeks.

We are devastated by this unexpected tragedy and ask for your constant prayers and thoughts. We are confident that the God who created Bekah is in control and we have specific things we would like you to pray for:

1. That her ICP will decrease rapidly and her brain will incur minimal, if any, damage.

2. Wisdom for her doctors, surgeons, and hospital staff.

3. Quick healing for her entire broken body.

4. Peace and strength for her friends and family.

5. Overall, that God is glorified in this tragic situation and His will be done.

We believe in the power of prayer. Thank you in advance for your continued love and support. She has been moved to ICU but they are VERY strict with visitors. At this point, it is only immediate family. They are even limiting us because her body needs to rest. We will let you know if and when this changes and will be updated this blog as we know more.

*Please leave Bekah a comment she can read WHEN she wakes up. She has a long road to recovery ahead of her, but we ALL know Bekah is TOUGH!*

*Fight Bekah Fight!*

We love you!

"He is before all things, and in him all things hold together." Colossians 1:17

The Holcombe Family


  1. Hey girlie!

    I have my church in blacksburg, va praying for you. You are so strong, and I know that you will get through this. The world needs your smile!


    Jackie Mierle

  2. We are asking everyone to begin fasting and praying for Bekah. Please begin fasting Monday, May 11th for as long as you feel lead. Fast whatever you like, smoking, eating, caffeine, television... Please pray for healing and restoration in Bekah's body, mind, and spirit. Thank you!!!

  3. This is Holly of Bekahs true friends..she she always been my best friend no matter what. i miss her so much since she has moved back to georgia. she was always there for me through anything no matter what the case. i will be praying for her. All i think about is bakah waking up and being okay again. i just wanna hear her laugh..she has a very unique laugh. Bekah is like my sister. we have learned so much from eachother. when i found out Bekah was in a car accident, i couldnt catch my breath. i was thinking, is she okay? what happened? As soon as i could a called debbie and got the info about what had really happened. i was in shock. i just wanted to fly down to georgia myself and go see her. but i knew the time was not right. i cant imagine what her family is going through. i love debbie for actually letting me live with them when i had no place to go which got me and bekah closer than ever. we always shared clothes, gave eachother advice on clothes,hair,boys, just everything. i just hope everything will be okay which a know everything will be because bekah is a fighter....she always fights for what she wants. and usually gets what she wants. well bekah i love you so much and i know you will get through this. Debbie and all the rest of her family i will be praying for you guys.

    Your Best Friend,
    Holly Walker

  4. My prayers are with you all... I have been in this situation with my brother and seen a huge miracle so I know from experience that miracles do happen... prayers are answered... and God is watching over her. It sounds like she is very very much loved and that's what it's going to take- lots of love and prayers. She's beautiful too- may God bless her, all the family, and the docs and nurses that will do what they can to bring her back.
